Coming to terms with randomness is frightening, but it does liberate us from the tendency to blame ourselves for illnesses we didn’t cause.
Support & Family
Cancer-related fatigue 101
Fatigue, or the feeling of being tired, is the most common symptom people with cancer will have. Information on fatigue, and tips on how to manage it.
Dr. Mike’s support & family reference
Managing cancer fatigue: Family and support. You need your family and friends to help you manage expectations throughout your illness. Tips on how to...
The Alberta CancerBridges aims to "engage and empower cancer survivors throughout their cancer journey by providing support, information" and more.
Myths that surround “spirituality”
A CancerBridges resource discussing the myths around spirituality and how it "influences the cancer experience."
Talking about cancer
Talking about cancer can be stressful. The Canadian Cancer Society’s resource on how to tell others about your cancer diagnosis. Talking about...
How we can help
The Canadian Cancer Society has numerous resources that you can lean on when dealing with a cancer diagnosis. See how they are available to help.
Resources for telling children about cancer
Here are a number of great resources you may want to review to help you talk to your children about your cancer diagnosis.
Should genetic testing for cancer be available to Canadians?
Angelina Jolie's double mastectomy opened up a platform for discussion, including the question: Should genetic testing for cancer be open to...