Cancer Genetics Matters

Living with BRCA Conference

Learning that you have, or are at risk for having, a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation can be challenging. There are changes to medical care and cancer risk management decisions to be made. Many people find they have specific questions that come up at different stages in life – something they never thought to ask 5 or 10 years ago. For others, it can be an isolating experience and there may be a need, whether big or small, to connect with others who they can relate to. As clinicians we do our best to provide BRCA carriers and their families with information, resources and support but that may not always be enough.

That’s why there are conferences for individuals and families like the Living with BRCA conference in Montreal.  Living with BRCA is a one-day conference meant to provide up-to-date information on hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. It is an opportunity to hear experts from different disciplines discuss:

  • cancer risk, screening and cancer prevention options
  • body image and sexuality after preventative surgeries
  • management of symptoms related to menopause
  • your questions in a round table format

In the afternoon there will be opportunities to hear the stories of individuals who have BRCA gene mutations as well as meet and mingle with individuals who are living with, or are at risk for, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.

Living with BRCA conference poster

The Living with BRCA conference will be held at the Centre Mont-Royal 2200 Mansfield Street in Montreal. It will take place Wednesday April 23, 2014 (two weeks from now) and goes on all day from 8:30am – 4:30pm.

Registration before April 15th is $100. Registration after April 15th is $110 and must be completed on-site. This fee includes access to sessions, conference documentation, lunch and coffee breaks.

The website for the conference can be found here

The registration form for the conference can be found here

I hope to see you there!


About the author

Justin Lorentz

Justin is a genetic counsellor and Male Oncology Research and Education (MORE) Program Lead.

Have a question about this post? Get in touch.


  • Hi Justin! Are you planning a similar conference in Toronto? I would really be interested in participating and attending. As an ex-Montrealer… I love the city but I’m unable to travel at this time.
    Thanks so much! Linda Hummel

  • Hi Linda,
    Yes, we will have smaller events like this hosted by Sunnybrook thanks to the generous support of a donor. Stay tuned for upcoming emails!

  • Hi Linda,
    I know we spoke about this back in the Spring but let me respond for everyone else’s sake! Yes, we will have smaller events like this hosted by Sunnybrook thanks to the generous support of a donor to our program who has been able to make this possible. Stay tuned for upcoming emails!