Food & nutrition Recipes

Curry chickpea & avocado sandwich

Whole grain bread and avocado chickpea spread

This sandwich is a favourite with cancer survivors at the Wellspring support centre in Toronto, Ontario.

[list type=”arrow”]
[li]11⁄2 tsp curry powder (7 mL)[/li]

[li]1⁄2 tsp ground turmeric (2 mL) (see tips below)[/li]

[li]1⁄4 cup mayonnaise (60 mL)[/li]

[li]1 can (19 oz/540 mL) chickpeas, rinsed and drained (or 2 cups/500 mL cooked)[/li]

[li]1⁄4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted (60 mL)[/li]

[li]1⁄4 cup dried cranberries (60 mL)[/li]

[li]2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro or parsley (30 mL)[/li]

[li]1 avocado, diced[/li]

[li]Pinch salt (optional) Pinch[/li]

[li]8 slices whole-grain bread[/li]


  1. In a small bowl, combine curry powder, turmeric and mayonnaise.
  2. In a medium bowl, using a fork, mash the chickpeas until broken apart, but not puréed. Stir in walnuts, cranberries, cilantro and curry mayonnaise, stirring until evenly blended. Gently stir in avocado. Stir in salt, if desired.
  3. Spoon chickpea mixture onto 4 slices of the bread, then top with remaining bread to sandwich.

Recommended for:

  • Constipation
  • Taste aversions
  • Weight gain promotion

Bonus features:

  • High fibre
  • High protein

Makes 4 sandwiches


If your taste buds are not strong, you will appreciate the mix of textures in this sandwich.

Turmeric can add a bitter note, so you may wish to replace it with an additional 1⁄2 tsp (10 mL) curry powder.


Excerpted from The Essential Cancer Treatment Nutrition Guide & Cookbook by Jean LaMantia © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with publisher permission.Excerpted from The Essential Cancer Treatment Nutrition Guide & Cookbook by Jean LaMantia © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with publisher permission.

About the author

Jean LaMantia

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