In the winter of early 2022, as the province navigated its way through the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, word started to spread that a convoy...
Education Matters
Sunnybrook’s Education team blogs on diverse topics. Learn more about Education at Sunnybrook
Get to know SHARE: Meet two Sunnybrook education researchers
Sunnybrook’s Education Research Unit was recently renamed the Sunnybrook Hub for Applied Research in Education (SHARE), to better reflect the team...
Introducing SPARK: The Sunnybrook Program to Access Research Knowledge for Black and Indigenous Medical Students
Dr. Mireille Norris knows firsthand about the unique disadvantages Black and Indigenous students experience while pursuing careers in medicine...
Tips & advice for new doctors
Starting residency? Our staff share their expert tips and advice!
Working together in the trauma unit: police and ED staff
Sunnybrook and the Toronto Police Services have developed a program that's helped improve collaboration between both teams in the trauma unit.
The importance of a never-stop-learning nursing culture
Advanced education is helping nurses expand their horizons – and mentor the colleagues who follow in their footsteps.
Day in the Life of Medical Resident: Final webisode
Last September, first-year medical resident Dr. Tiffany Florindo let us in on a secret: she was freaking out. “Am I going to be the worst...
When the going gets tough – Tips for dealing with stress
There’s no shortage of stress when on placement at a hospital. Between learning new technical skills, finding your feet on the units and just finding...
Thank a special Sunnybrook teacher
Do you have a special teacher or mentor at Sunnybrook? Thank them.
Beating heart simulator looks like real thing
The beating heart simulator is a perfect replica of a heart in motion, allowing surgeons in training to hone their skills in a safe, supervised...