Education Matters

Did you know?

Hand Hygiene is the single most important way to prevent healthcare acquired infections and the spread of microorganisms. Mom was right when she always told you to just “Clean Your Hands!”

Know and Perform the 4 Moments of Hand Hygiene:

  1. Before contact with a patient /patient environment
  2. Before conducting a clean procedure (even if gloves will be worn)
  3. After potential exposure to bodily fluids (even if gloves were worn)
  4. After contact with the patient /patient environment

Moment 1:

Interacting with patients in their care environment is the most direct contact and the highest risk for exposure to Antimicrobial Resistant Organisms (ARO). We want to ensure that we are NOT bringing any microorganisms into their environment either from the larger hospital care environment or from ourselves.



10 dirtiest things in the care environment

The Chart
The Phone
The Door Knob
The Computer KeyboardThe Chair Armrest
Neck tie or lanyardPens and Pencils
Hand rails
Bedside equipment
Your Hands!!!


Virtually everything you touch has viable organisms on it.


Touching anything before you enter the patient environment contaminates your hands. If your hands are contaminated you must clean them before touching the patient or the patient’s environment. Contaminating the patient’s environment represents the same risk for contaminating the patient.

  1. Have you touched anything (including the chart, door knob, pen, your own clothing, face or stethescope) before entering the room?
  2. Have you touched anything to enter the patient environment? (curtain, door, door knob, chair)
  3. Did you or anyone entering the environmenttouch something and not promply clean your/their hands?


If you answered Yes to these questions the patient is at risk of exposure to an ARO.

Speak up for patient safety. Patient safety starts with good communication.


Remember: Just Clean Your Hands


Ben de Mendonca

Performance Improvement Specialist


Industrial Engineer Intern


Quality and Patient Safety


Phone: (416) 480-6100 ext. 89305




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