Education Matters

Do you have an outstanding teacher at Sunnybrook?

Does one of your Sunnybrook, Holland Centre or St. John’s Rehab teachers stand out?

Nominations are now open for the 2013 Excellence in Education Awards, which celebrate individuals or teams that show outstanding dedication to learning at Sunnybrook.

A new award has been added this year to recognize excellence in teaching students, interns, residents and fellows. Nominees can be clinical or non-clinical and in any profession.

So, if you have a classroom or clinical point-of-care teacher who goes above and beyond, now’s your chance to see them celebrated for their efforts.

You’ll need to fill out a nomination form (on Sunnynet or email viola.leung(at) and write a supporting letter (not more than three pages) that explains why this teacher should receive the award. You can use testimonials from other students and staff as well.

Nominations close February 8 at 4 p.m. Send completed forms and letter to education(at) or drop off in C122 at the Bayview site.

About the author

Alexis Dobranowski

Alexis Dobranowski is a Communications Advisor at Sunnybrook.