Education Matters

I am a life-long learner- what about you?

My everyday’s goal is to learn something new.

Maintaining this attitude allows me to be happy each time I acquire new information or gain a new skill, instead of being frustrated that I do not yet know everything.

What about you?  Does learning bring you joy?  Do you experience contentment, excitement and pride each time you add new knowledge or a new skill to the “storage” of your brain?

In my work as an Advanced Practice Nurse it is my goal to spread this appetite for learning.  I strive to encourage nursing staff to engage in ongoing reflective practice so that they can identify areas for learning.  The joy of my work is to help others on their learning journey, to be supportive and to be available and visible as a resource.  Recently, I had the great pleasure of coaching some nurses that were learning to lead hospital unit based quality improvement projects.  I was amazed to see how the nurses enjoyed learning a variety of new skills, and how they gained a great amount of new knowledge that they will be able to use in their future careers.        

Picture Capture: Poster presentations by new best practice champions: a happy and proud life-long learner

I wish you all wonderful experiences and great pleasure on your learning journey.

Ursula Petroz, RN, MN, GNC(C),

Advanced Practice Nurse,

Sunnybrook Veterans Centre

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Education Team

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