On Thursday, February 2, 2012, Wendy Macdonald and I launched the next Sunnybrook Leadership Institute Program, called Building Leadership Capacity. The kick-off session was held at the Vaughan Estates and we were pleased to see a variety of leaders from all of our sites participate in the learning day.
The development of the Sunnybrook Leadership Institute new program was informed by feedback from you, our leaders. It focuses on the development of three levels of our leaders; emerging leaders, developing leaders and advanced leaders.
The foundations of Sunnybrook leadership lie in the respectful relationships and trust we have for each other and the people we lead. At the centre of effective leaders is self-awareness and how we as leaders impact those we lead, and how those we lead impact us.
The next Sunnybrook Leadership Institute Program will provide our leaders with the skills, competencies, confidence and courage to manage effectively the “people side” of our business.Leading well includes the ability to influence others using effective communication skills and especially when entering into crucial conversations. It will provide you with the confidence and courage to effectively manage situations that evolve into crucial confrontations and will ensure you have practical knowledge and skills required to master the art of conflict resolution. You will learn how to be coached and you will learn how to coach others, because as leaders we move through our days influencing, learning, teaching and coaching others.
The definition of leadership is influence, everything rises and falls on leadership, first and foremost leadership is a people business, then the job of a leader is to get things done through influencing others. John C. Maxwell.
Marilyn Reddick
Vice President, Human Resources & Organizational Development