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Stroke: Do you know the warning signs?

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ctober 29 is World Stroke Day. Do you know what a stroke is? It’s the interruption of blood flow to the brain, resulting in damage or death of the brain tissue. Strokes are also commonly referred to as a brain attack. Do you know what the signs of a stroke are? Watch the video above or read the infographic below to learn more.

What are the warning signs of a stroke - infographic

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What are the warning signs of a stroke?

Weakness: Sudden loss of strength or sudden numbness in face, arm, or leg, even if temporary

Headache: Severe and unusual headache

Dizziness: Sudden loss  of balance, especially with any of the above signs

Vision problems: Sudden trouble with vision, even if temporary

Trouble speaking: Sudden difficulty speaking or understanding or sudden confusion, even if temporary

If you are having these symptoms or are in doubt, call 911. Do not drive yourself to the hospital. When you arrive by ambulance, the hospital will be contacts and a team with a neurologist will be waiting, with the equipment ready to begin treatment immediately. When it comes to treating a stroke, time is brain.


About the author

Sybil Millar & Nadia Radovini

Sybil Millar is the Communications Advisor for Critical Care. Nadia Radovini is a Communications Advisor for the Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program.

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