Featured Infographics Injury Prevention

Avoid distractions when driving or walking

With the May long weekend upon us, summer is finally here. For some that might mean driving to the cottage, spending more time on the lake or taking the ATV out for spin. But for hospitals, it means a big jump in the number of trauma victims that arrive in the emergency room.

Join us as we take to the streets with Sarah Gallsworthy, Program Coordinator at Sunnybrook’s RBC First Office for Injury Prevention, to talk to pedestrians about being safe on the roads, avoiding distractions and staying out of the emergency room this summer.

Trauma season infographic

– video by Monica Matys and infographic by Sybil Millar

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194 Canadians. All summer. Every year.

Every summer, an average of 194 deaths occur every year in Canada from all motor vehicle collisions, ATV collisions and summer sports/recreational activities.

Stay alert, attentive and safe. Don’t be one of them.

Driving while distracted can result in a crash- or worse. It happens more often than you might think:

80% of collisions (and 65% of near crashes) have some form of driver inattention as contributing factors.

7 years- The Ontario Provincial Police estimates that in 2015, distracted driving deaths will eclipse drunk driving fatalities for the seventh-straight year.

3 times- Distracted drivers are 3 times more likely to be in a crash than attentive drivers.


sources: CIHI, OPP, Alberta Transportation, NHTSA


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