Inside the NICU

Experiencing the NICU as a father

Over the next few days we’ll be sharing some posts written by graduate NICU dads.  We thank all of these dads for sharing their stories, helping others and making a difference. First up … Andrew!


When my wife told me that we were pregnant last June, I never imagined how the next 12 months would play out.

We had just married in April and were hoping to get pregnant in 2013; we were pleasantly surprised it happened so quickly.  In August, I started my new job in which I work remotely from home, eliminating my commute and allowing me more time at home with our child once born.  Things were shaping up quite nicely.

In early November, my wife’s water broke in the middle of the night.  We drove to Sunnybrook, where she was admitted into the High Risk Obstetrics Ward; a week later, our daughter was born at 25 weeks gestation.

Everything has turned out well for us in the end (our daughter has been home 3 months now, and is doing very well).  Our stay in the NICU was a very positive thing, but lasted several months, which can be taxing on anyone.  If I can share any advice with other NICU fathers, it would be:

1) Keep some balance

Our daughter’s stay in the NICU was 109 days, plus my wife had 7 days in the hospital prior to her birth.  In total, we were just shy of 4 months in the hospital.  Between this and work (as most of us dads continue working during this), it’s easy to get emotionally and mentally drained – no one can keep their spirits up that long if all they know is work and a hospital room.

I kept some balance by trying to get to the gym most days.  This was a good tool for me to burn off the stress of work and/or the hospital.  For you, whether it’s the gym, music or something else, try to keep up something that will help keep a fresh mind.

2) Be at the hospital every day that you can

Being at the hospital daily not only allows you to see more of your child, it keeps your wife from feeling isolated in the NICU experience.  Additionally, having face-to-face time with the medical staff allows you to know your baby’s caregivers and ask questions.  You also get to participate in the care for your preemie, whether that’s changing diapers, taking his/her temperature, or Kangaroo Care.

I realize this is not possible for all fathers. We were fortunate in that we live close to Sunnybrook, I could work remotely in the hospital, and we don’t have any other children to take care of.  Some families we met in the NICU were from Mississauga, Bowmanville, Milton, and some from even further away, so being there daily is not possible for everyone.  However, I felt better the days I was able to hold my daughter and talk to her nurse; the days I was at a client site I was less at ease.

3) Don’t feel odd being the only guy

It can sometimes feel odd being the only male in the Family Lounge during an information session – there might be 2 women presenting, 6 mothers, 2 grandmothers, and you’re the only man.

However, once you take part in the session, you realize that discomfort is only in your head, and that the NICU community is focused on getting babies healthy, and staying healthy once they’re home.

4) Anticipate and plan for the discharge date

One of the challenges for NICU parents is not knowing the discharge date.  When our daughter arrived in the NICU, we were told she would stay up to her due date, and likely beyond – it all depended on her progress.  So I had trouble planning on when to take time off work – if I asked for the week of my daughter’s due date, what if she wasn’t discharged?  Would I have to keep moving my vacation back a week at a time each week?

By the time she was discharged, I was in the midst of wrapping up a project at work, and wanted to close it out (it was so close to being finished, I felt it was easier to do myself rather than try to hand it off).  We stayed overnight at the hospital for 1-2 weeks before our daughter was discharged (where I didn’t sleep very well); when our daughter came home, like most babies, she would cry at night (and I wouldn’t sleep very well).

I ended up working for 5 weeks after our daughter came home before I took a week off – I was completely mentally drained after 7 weeks of not sleeping enough and having the stress of work to deal with.  If I could have done this over again, I would have tried to transfer the project to a colleague a couple weeks before our daughter’s due date, and taken on a short term project and/or provided support on the project rather than be the lead.

Everyone’s work situation is different, but I felt of everything in our NICU experience, this was the piece I handled the worst, and would advise anyone else from doing this if they can avoid it.

Overall, our experience in the hospital was a positive one – we didn’t expect a positive experience last November when my wife’s water broke.  Sunday June 15th will mark my daughter’s 7 month birthday, and my first Father’s Day, and I couldn’t be happier.


About the author

Kate Robson