Inside the NICU

It’s Halloween again … let’s dress up some babies!

A few weeks ago, we asked for help with our NICU family events.  BOY do  you people come through!  Today was our NICU Halloween celebration, and thanks to some wonderful graduate families and volunteers, we had hats and costumes for every baby in our unit.


Beautiful hats made by a graduate mom and grandmother

We also had our old friends Ladybug and Turtle drop by, although as you can tell from the picture below they switched things up a bit with their costumes this year. Their wonderful mother brought a cake to share with NICU families and staff, and we so appreciated it!


We bet you’re all thinking, “Well, it’s nice to see the hats and talk about cake, but how about some babies!?”  Our families were gracious enough to give us permission to share some photographs, so you can see just how adorable these babies are.

So first, let us introduce you to our Minnie …


And here’s Captain Adorable!


There will be many Annas and Elsas this year going trick or treating, but here we might have the two smallest (and cutest). The  ingenious person who made these for us added braids to baby hats, which is the perfect solution for a preemie wig!

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And last but not least we wanted to give a special shout out to a family who not only dressed up their beautiful baby as a wee ladybug, but who also got into the spirit of things themselves.

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People have asked us (in a very nice way) why we care so much about Halloween. The answer is simple. Being in the NICU is tough. Many of our families are hospitalized for months, and those months are full of emotional ups and downs.  So when there’s an opportunity to have fun, to help families enjoy time with their babies the way they’ll do when they’re at home, we take it!  Being in a hospital with your child shouldn’t take away the joy of being a parent. So that’s why we do it. Plus we like candy.

So from all of us to all of you, happy Halloween!

About the author

Kate Robson