What a wonderful week it’s been! We saw this incredible video sharing one 24-weeker’s story. Preemie parents shared their memories and experiences of some significant firsts. We also learned about some important work NICU staff members are doing internationally.
Yesterday, current and graduate NICU families came to the unit to celebrate together with staff. In some ways, it feels odd to say “celebrate”, since prematurity is not something that parents choose for their children. But when you see families with their kids, and you see those kids playing in front of the delighted eyes of NICU staff members, you understand that there is great cause for celebration.
As much as we must focus on lowering preterm birth rates, we also have to support and celebrate these great beings doing such great work in the NICU. In that group we include the NICU staff members who are giving our babies the best shot possible, the parents whose road to parenthood is rocky and frightening and yet also wonderful, and of course the babies, who are contradictions incarnate. Fragile yet strong, the size of mice but with the will of elephants, intimidating and beautiful. Our babies work harder than anyone, and we hope they all know how proud we all are of them.
Of course, the work goes on even if World Prematurity Day is over. This last video presents some reflections on World Prematurity Day made by those who care for these babies in our NICU and Follow-up Clinic.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this campaign; you helped draw the world’s attention to prematurity. Thanks to NICU staff members who are such champions. Thanks to preemie parents for navigating the most difficult times with grace and love. And thank you, babies! You are our greatest teachers.