Inside the NICU

Sacred Moments

May 15th is an exciting day, especially in NICU-land. It’s International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day, where people around the world celebrate the miracle that is Kangaroo Care.

If you follow this blog, you’ll know that we’re pretty keen on Kangaroo Care.  We throw great Kangaroo Care parties, we include stories of skin-to-skin holding in every family newsletter, we include info about Kangaroo Care in family and staff orientations, and we create educational videos.  We are always trying to get better, and we love days like this which are about sharing, learning and improving.

For this May 15th, we decided to have a little fun. We invited a graduate of our NICU to come back (in DISGUISE) to interview the doctors and nurses who took care of her when she was a baby, and to learn a bit more about the kangaroo care that was so transformative for her and her family.

It’s meant to be a fun video, but there is one serious message that I (as the mom of this particular kangaroo) want to share.

The first time I got to hold her was a sacred moment in my life. I’m not particularly religious, but that is really the only word I can use to describe it. I am so deeply grateful to all those people who work so hard to give me and other NICU parents those sacred moments.

Thank you!


About the author

Kate Robson

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