Skin care Wellness

Tips for healthy skin

If you’re experiencing problems like dryness, itchiness and irritation, there are a number of potential culprits. See what could be behind the problem and some easy ways to find relief according to Sunnybrook’s Head of Dermatology, Dr. Neil Shear.

Age. As we get older, our skin naturally and progressively loses its ability to retain moisture. While we can’t do anything to stop the aging process, it’s important to be aware that the amount of moisturization you need may change over time.

Weather. Indoor heating and cold outdoor weather can be a tough and drying combination. Knowing that the winter season steals moisture from the skin, try to replenish it by using an indoor humidifier. Also, limit hot baths or showers that can strip your skin of its natural moisture.

Soap. True soap, which has a fat base, is very alkaline, meaning it has a very high pH and can break down the barrier of the skin. This can lead to redness, irritation and itchiness among other problems. Opt for soap-free synthetic cleansing bars instead, which are closer to your skin’s natural pH level.

Scented products. Scenting products are one of the most common group of chemicals people are exposed and become allergic to. Dry skin is also more vulnerable to allergens. Avoid scented products when you can to reduce the risk of any irritation.

Smart tips. No matter your age or skin condition, a few simple rules apply to everyone:

  • don’t overclean your skin
  • simplify your skin routine by cutting down on the number of product you are using
  • stop smoking
  • use sunscreen

About the author

Monica Matys

Monica Matys is a Communications Advisor at Sunnybrook.

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