Food & nutrition Sunnyview Wellness

How to keep your diet resolutions

The majority of us make New Year’s resolutions in January, only to break them before the month is even over. Eating better is common goal, but can be hard to maintain without a bit of guidance. How can you make those nutritional goals stick?

Daphna Steinberg is a registered dietitian and no stranger to the challenges people face. She says whatever goal you set, it’s more likely to be realized when it’s small, measurable and specific. For example, instead of vowing to eat better generally, commit to eating one piece of fruit with breakfast everyday. Not only is that doable, but could have a trickle down effect: you’ll be more regular, fuller at an important time of day, and perhaps motivated to end your day in the same healthy fashion you kicked it off with.

The reasons behind your motivation also matter. Steinberg says people are more successful if they are trying to eat better for their overall health rather than just losing weight. Keep in mind the long-term things you want for yourself, and that you’ll get there, one bite at a time.

Set backs are sure to happen, but don’t give up when they do. Remember that everything you put in your mouth is a choice. If you make a poor choice, just make sure the next ones are good choices. Steinberg says there’s no messing up because every upcoming meal offers an opportunity for redemption. How great is that? Watch the video for more tips.

About the author

Monica Matys

Monica Matys is a Communications Advisor at Sunnybrook.

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