I wasn’t sure if I should include my worst hangover story in this blog, so I’ll leave that to the imagination. If you take out the location and specific circumstances, though, most hangovers boil down to the same elements the morning after: nausea, headache, regret and repeated vows to never drink again. Ever. Ugghhh!
There are a lot of wives tales about what actually works for hangovers. In my own experience, sleep, water, acetaminophen and a really sloppy burger the next day seem to help. (I could never relate to the whole Hair of the Dog theory.) But beyond not drinking too much in the first place, what do doctors recommend?
As an emergency physician, Dr. Clare Atzema has pretty much seen it all and offers some surprising and unexpected suggestions. It turns out one of my approaches was really off the mark. Hopefully Dr. Atzema’s words of wisdom will help you enjoy the season of patios and backyard soirees a little bit more. (For example, bottoms up should frequently refer to water as well.) If you have some other tips, I’d love to hear about them.
I think you need to add your worst hangover story to really sell this article.
Knowing my kids may read this someday, I’m going to have to pass! I hope you have a great weekend.