About 20% of women will require some level of bed rest during their pregnancy. While the goal is to have a healthy baby, Sunnybrook’s Parent Coordinator Kate Robson offers some tips on making sure you also keep well.
Delegate. Responsibilities can be hard to put on hold, so don’t hesitate to ask for help from family and friends. It helps people help you if you’re specific about what you need.
Do something you love. Whether it’s watching movies, knitting or reading books, find an activity that will engage your mind and help pass the time.
Keep a routine. Try to get dressed and eat meals at regular times to keep a schedule for each day. It’s also a great time to catch up on paperwork, thank you cards and other tasks that you might be too busy to tackle after your baby is born.
Write it down. Keeping a journal is a great way to release feelings of isolation or frustration. Journaling is also a wonderful way to keep track of the various stages of your pregnancy.
Reach out. There’s nothing quite like talking to someone else in the same boat. You’ll find online support groups on most parenting websites, where you can share stories and connect with other moms.
It’s all a stage. While it might feel like forever, remember that this is just one stage in your long and happy journey of parenting. Remind yourself that this situation isn’t permanent, and start a goal list of activities you plan to enjoy once your baby is born.