Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition that progressively interferes with an individual’s memory, thinking and behaviour. It is the...
Alzheimer’s disease
Patient stories, research and information from Sunnybrook experts. Learn more about our dementia care and research.
How Sunnybrook is creating hope for patients living with Alzheimer’s disease
January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness to help fight stigma and better support those living with the disease. There are...
‘A whole new era:’ Why we may be getting closer to treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
For people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, time is the enemy. In the early stages of these devastating diseases, symptoms may be subtle...
How the Driving & Dementia Roadmap helped Ron make an important decision
Ron Posno was diagnosed with dementia in 2016 and almost immediately became involved in his local Alzheimer’s Society so he could learn more about...
Behind the research: New study finds focused ultrasound enhances delivery of brain therapeutic and improves cognition in Alzheimer’s
Images by Vivian Young In a recently published preclinical study, Dr. Isabelle Aubert, senior scientist at Sunnybrook Research Institute and...
Advancing Alzheimer’s research
It’s estimated more than 600,000 people in Canada are living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. By 2050, that number is expected to rise to more...
Behind the research: Studies provide more evidence that poor vascular health speeds up cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease
Two newly published studies led by Dr. Jennifer Rabin at Sunnybrook Research Institute (SRI) add to the accumulating evidence that vascular disease...
Who will get Alzheimer’s? Sunnybrook scientists advancing research to answer this question
Alzheimer’s disease is one of Canada’s greatest healthcare challenges, currently having a devastating emotional and physical burden on more than 1.1...
Meet volunteers Jenny Smith and Australian Labradoodle Wilson
Jenny Smith’s dog Wilson was literally born and bred to help others. “He’s an Australian Labradoodle,” says Jenny. “The breed was created to make a...
How your lifestyle can protect you from dementia
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most feared consequences of aging, and part of that stems from the thought that nothing can be done about...