Circle 21, a Canadian non-profit organization that supports individuals with Down syndrome and their families, invites you to join us in celebrating the first ever UN endorsed World Down Syndrome day by attending a fundraising event on Wednesday March 21st at 7pm at Todmorden Mills in Toronto.
Our event, geared for adults, will include a champagne reception (catered by Lemon & Allspice Cookery, a co-operative partnership of people with developmental delays) and a special screening of the documentary HAPPY by Academy award nominated director Roko Belic. While this movie does not feature Down syndrome specifically, the film addresses many of the fundamental issues we face in today’s society: how do we balance the allure of money, fame and social status with our needs for strong relationships, health and personal fulfillment? Happy is a feature‐length documentary that leads viewers on a journey across 5 continents in search of the keys to happiness. The event will feature a silent auction including art work depicting ‘What is Happy’ by individuals with Down syndrome.
It was only very recently that the United Nations adopted a resolution to designate 21 March as “World Down Syndrome Day”. The date March 21 (21/3) is significant in that it symbolizes the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of chromosome 21 which causes the genetic condition Down syndrome. The aim of the day is to raise awareness and understanding of a condition which affects approximately 1 in 800 births worldwide, and to promote the inherent rights of persons with Down syndrome to enjoy full and dignified lives and be active participants in their communities and society
Press here to purchase your $35 ticket to attend this event: Attend Event
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