“I’ll do anything to protect him,” says Katrina Villalobos, of her son Santino. Santino was born just under 23 weeks at Sunnybrook, making him a...
Babies & newborns
Skilled and compassionate care for the sickest and smallest babies
Amit and Natasha Arora recall their fear during their son’s 135-day stay in Sunnybrook’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). “His lungs, brain...
The smallest, most fragile babies: One family’s story of their time in the NICU
“I can hear you cry. I know you’re alive.” That was Donna Loi’s first thought after her twins were born unexpectedly at 23 weeks and six days at...
Inside Sunnybrook’s Accessible Care Pregnancy Clinic: Diana’s story
The clinic is the first in Canada to care for patients with physical disabilities of all types during their pregnancy, delivery and postpartum phases.
Caring for families close to home
Babies born at less than 30 weeks, and those who had complicated stays in the NICU, are seen in person and virtually by the Neonatal Follow-up Clinic...
Meet Gage, born under 23 weeks: “It hasn’t been easy, but it has been so rewarding”
Like a lot of Canadian kids, seven-year-old Gage will be playing lots of hockey and skiing this winter. What sets him apart is his start to life...
Lisa Marie, a Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network volunteer, shares her story and advice for working with grieving parents
Image and blog courtesy of Lisa Marie Buccella (centre) As a volunteer with Sunnybrook’s Pregnancy and Infant Loss group, I was honoured to share my...
Pregnancy, fertility and the COVID-19 vaccine: Sunnybrook experts answer your questions
Dr. Noor Ladhani, high-risk obstetrician and Dr. Marjorie Dixon, fertility specialist, answered questions about pregnancy, fertility and...
From the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to Laurier University: Read Nathan’s story
Nathan was born weighing two pounds and six ounces, and was cared for in Sunnybrook's NICU. Now, he's entering his third year of University.
Born at 25 weeks, six-year-old twins Asha and Surabhi are thriving
Mom Natasha shares her twins' story for Multiple Births Awareness Day.