“It’s the best I’ve been in a long time. I feel like things have just been coming into place,” says Cassie King.
Bipolar disorder
Blog posts by Sunnybrook’s Department of Psychiatry.
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How a coping card can help people manage emotional distress
Sometimes feelings of anxiety, worry, stress and other uncomfortable emotions can be overwhelming. There may be certain times or triggers than can...
Back-to-school tips for students with bipolar disorder
There isn’t one easy way, but rather a number of strategies that can boost the chance of school success for youth with bipolar disorder.
Student-to-student: Tips for managing school stress for teens with bipolar disorder
Teens with bipolar disorder share their suggestions on how they manage back to school season and prepare for the return to the classroom.
Elevated cardiovascular risk in youth with bipolar disorder is related to depression symptoms
In the largest study of its kind, researchers have found that adolescents and young adults with bipolar disorder, in particular those with more...
I have bipolar disorder. Here’s how I’m shattering the stigma of mental illness
I realized that for years, the greatest stigma I had ever experienced was from my own self. I’d always been my own toughest critic.
Could laughing gas provide relief for bipolar depression?
"If proven effective, N2O has the potential to become a game-changing treatment for bipolar depression"
The eyes could reveal clues about bipolar disorder and its link to heart disease
Blood vessels at the back of the eye may help explain the link between bipolar disorder and a heightened and earlier risk of heart disease.
How depression can lead to heart disease
QUESTION: A close friend has been troubled by manic depression for many years. She’s now in her 40s and recently found out that she already has...
The princess at the heart of bipolar disorder
Although the cause of Carrie Fisher's death was reportedly a massive heart attack, one could say that she actually died of bipolar disorder.