Both polyps and fibroids commonly affect pre-menopausal women.
Colorectal cancer knows no age
Colorectal cancer is a deadly yet preventable — and often treatable — disease that every adult should be aware of, regardless of age.
9 questions about your prostate answered
What exactly is a prostate? Are some men more at risk of prostate cancer? Find answers to these and other questions.
Why you should tell your doctor if you smoke
Knowing your smoking status can help your care team provide you the best possible care.
Should I get the flu shot if have cancer?
The respiratory flu can be very serious for people living with cancer.
Does my mood affect my cancer outcome?
Feeling down, worried, or upset is part of the normal human experience — especially when facing cancer. Feeling those feelings doesn't make cancer...
10 things to know about the stomach and the cancer that affects it
Our stomachs play a key role in nutrition and are therefore very important to our overall well-being.
Cancer and the not-so-positive power of positive thinking?
Feeling the burden of staying positive at all times can weigh heavily on patients, psychiatrist says. It's OK to feel sad.
Life without a stomach: Jim’s story
What's it like to live life without a stomach? This is Jim's story.
Medical assistance in dying – Is there purpose in suffering?
When his mother, Rosemary, was dying from cancer, he witnessed a different kind of suffering—intractable and without purpose. “It was cruel. Nobody...