Here are a number of great resources you may want to review to help you talk to your children about your cancer diagnosis.
Resources for sleeping
When you have cancer, rest and sleep is important. Here are some resources on sleep that you may want to review.
Resources for fatigue journal
A sleep journal can help you track sleep patterns. Here are some resources that may be helpful.
Resources for nutrition
Nutrition is important for those dealing with cancer. Here are some resources that may be helpful.
Resources for energy conservation
Keeping your energy up can be difficult when you are dealing with cancer. Some resources on energy conservation.
Resources for exercise
Research shows that exercise is one of the best ways to reduce fatigue. Here are some helpful exercise resources.
Should genetic testing for cancer be available to Canadians?
Angelina Jolie's double mastectomy opened up a platform for discussion, including the question: Should genetic testing for cancer be open to...
Exercise and fatigue
Physical Activity and exercise is important for everyone, perhaps even more so for people with cancer, as it can help reduce cancer-related fatigue.
5 myths about men and BRCA
Today, we have a clearer picture of what it means for a man to be a BRCA mutation carrier, but old myths are still alive and strong. We're calling...
Top 3 resources every BRCA carrier should know about
There’s plenty out there on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer. While some information is reliable, some is not. Here are the top three BRCA...