Every day, hundreds of Canadians are given the news that will change their life: they have cancer. Clinical psychologist Dr. Pavla Reznicek works with cancer patients directly, and knows how devastating and scary this new reality can be. She says one of the things people experience most intensely is anxiety.
How can you cope with anxiety? Dr. Reznicek says the cancer journey is individual for everyone, but there are a lot of different approaches for people to consider. Naming your feelings is helpful to know what it is that you are experiencing. She says it’s normal for feeling to come and go, so ride the wave and let them inform you about what is important. Try to stay in the here and now and plan for what is immediately ahead. As simple as it sounds, connecting with nature can also bring calm.
These are just a few examples, and Dr. Reznicek explores many other options in my video. She also did a longer presentation on coping with anxiety at a recent Sunnybrook Speaker Series lecture. That included an extensive list of resources that can help both patients and caregivers at various stages in the cancer journey. If you have ten minutes, it’s well worth watching.
Whatever it is you are feeling, know you are not alone and that help is available. Reaching out to family, friends, support groups and/or professional counseling can offer assistance and comfort at a time in life you need it most.