Two Sunnybrook staff members reminisce about the foods they got by on in school...and offer some tips for planning healthy meals.
Education Matters
Sunnybrook’s Education team blogs on diverse topics. Learn more about Education at Sunnybrook
New Guest Series: A Master’s student on career hunting and life after school (if there is one)
Welcome to our first guest blogger, Randy Rovinski, who will take time out of writing his Master’s thesis to meet with some of the many people behind...
Mark your calendar: TEDMED Live April 16-19
It’s time for the annual TEDMED conference in Washington, DC.If you aren’t familiar with the concept:“TEDMED is a multi...
Catch TED Talent Search winner talk about her bone-zapping research
University of Toronto biomedical engineering PhD candidate Padina Pezeshki won a TEDTalentSearch last year (That’s TED – Technology...
Study skills tips for professional school students
Cindy, a first-year med student and peer learning assistant at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., posted this list of “tips” for...
4 Tips for a Practical Nursing Placement
Don’t forget the basics of bedside nursing, preceptor Deborah Capra says. Registered Nurse and nursing preceptor Deborah Capra has some tips...
A day in the life of a medical resident: A 24-hour shift
In Episode 5 of our web video series, we follow first-year medical resident Dr. Tiffany Florindo for a 24-hour shift for family practice obstetrics...
4 Tips to be a Good ‘Mentee’
Go prepared to meetings with your mentor. When starting out in a career, it’s a good idea to seek out someone – whether formally or informally – to...
Daffydil 2013: A promo video to get you in the cancer-fighting musical mood
The University of Toronto century-old tradition Daffydil is just a day away. Catch the promo video – featuring cast, crew, faculty and alum...
I Wish I Knew Then: Advice for Students to Think Big!
It took awhile for Dr. Bradley Strauss, interventional cardiologist and chief of the Schulich Heart Program, to realize that it’s OK to think...