Inside the NICU

Let the (Kangaroo) games begin!

And we’re OFF!


Our Sunnybrook Kangaroo-a-thon launched today with a big party and a whole lot of cuddling.  A dedicated volunteer crocheter made kangaroos for each and every family in our unit, and one of our breastfeeding resource nurses contributed the kangaroo cookies.  We decorated the whole unit, made kangaroo colouring books for siblings, and are creating a whole “Thank You” wall for our wonderful staff members. So much fun!


So we might be just feeling the impact of all the sugar … or it might be that we are very excited because more than SEVENTY FIVE hospitals have signed on to the Kangaroo Challenge!  That is not a typo.  We are so happy to welcome all of these hospitals in partnership; what a wonderful collaboration this is!

Speaking of collaboration … our partner, the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation, is opening up some fun kangaroo-related opportunities for parents. You can transform your Facebook or Twitter profile picture as part of the Twibbon Campaign, and there will be more kangaroo goodness on the CPBF blog.

We are also so happy to welcome our friends at the Miracle Babies Foundation, who are once again leading the way and celebrating Kangaroo Care across Australia.

If your NICU has not yet signed up … it’s never too late! Check out the resources available at our Kangaroo Challenge page and send us an email if you’d like to participate.

We’ll keep you posted on our progress. Until then … happy holding!


About the author

Kate Robson