"We found the elderly did not have the same immune response as younger adults, which is necessary to fight disease and injury," says Dr. Marc Jeschke.
Sunnybrook Magazine – Spring 2016
New knee, old pain
Neuropathic pain is one of the reasons patients continue to experience pain after total knee replacement.
Advances in targeted radiation for prostate cancer
Targeted radiation technologies are bringing hope to men with advanced and metastasized prostate tumours.
Hunting down the most advanced prostate tumours
Dr. Emmenegger specializes in research and treatments for prostate cancer at advanced stages.
High-tech tool will target tumours with extraordinary precision
Bringing the new hardware, known as an MR-Linac, on stream will be a major leap forward in the treatment of cancer.
Meet the patient who helped Sunnybrook researchers make medical history
A Sunnybrook team was the first in the world to deliver drugs non-invasively through the blood-brain barrier.
The art therapist: Susanne Watson-Bongard
Perched on a stool in the woodshop at Sunnybrook’s Veterans Centre, it’s hard to imagine Susanne Watson-Bongard anywhere else. The art therapist...
Your hospital, your say
As part of the hospital’s unique Patient Engagement Strategy, members of the community can cast their votes on a series of interesting poll topics.
Celebrating the Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre’s 60th anniversary
Six decades ago, a surgeon’s dream for a specialized orthopaedic hospital was set in motion.
The parking attendant: Edith Augustin
“I live by the golden rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,’” she says.