Most people associate stroke with sudden weakness, face drooping or speech difficulties, but did you know that dizziness, tingling or feeling...
Men’s health
It’s flu season. What to throw away, and what to keep, after you’ve been sick
Natasha Salt, Sunnybrook’s Director of Infection Prevention and Control, serves up a reality check in this flu-prep quick quiz.
It’s time to get your HPV vaccine
Women and men can still benefit from vaccination when adults, or if they've had HPV in the past.
To snack or not to snack (and on what), that is the question
Start thinking about food - including snacks - as fuel.
9 questions about your prostate answered
What exactly is a prostate? Are some men more at risk of prostate cancer? Find answers to these and other questions.
What do I need to know about prostate cancer clinical trials?
There’s a trial available for every point of the prostate cancer experience – from detection to diagnosis to treatment and beyond
Having sex? Time to pay attention to HPV
About 75 per cent of sexually active men and women will have at least one HPV infection in their lifetime.
Are you on blood thinners?
Many people on blood thinners will experience visible blood in the urine severe enough to require medical attention, a study published in JAMA found.
Confused about PSA tests?
Unclear messages about PSA tests can leave people confused.
How much do you know about men’s health?
Take our men’s health quiz to test your know-how!