Sunnybrook's Family Navigation Project is collaborating with Humber College on a unique graduate program.
Mental health
This section of our Your Health Matters website features timely tips & information from mental health experts at Sunnybrook.
Find more mental health resources on our Department of Psychiatry’s patient and family education website.
How to talk to your kids about mental health
Talking about mental illness with your child is important. Mental health experts and youth share what to look out for, what to say and how to get...
Behind the research: How fictional portrayals of suicide can influence vulnerable people
A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry has found that the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why led to an increase in death by suicide in children and...
Jeffrey on living with OCD, seeking help and finding strength
As a teenager, Jeffrey Kotas aimed for perfection with his schoolwork, but it was coming at cost.
Am I addicted to my smartphone?
If you can’t get through a real-life conversation without picking up your phone, that’s a sign of overuse.
Online supports can help patients waiting for mental-health care
Access to mental-health services is a big problem in Canada, and that’s got some experts thinking about new and innovative ways to deliver care.
Why taking a break from social media can be good for your health
Taking a social media time-out might be good for your brain and body.
Supporting a loved one with obsessive compulsive disorder
OCD is marked by obsessions and compulsions that significantly impact on the daily life of those affected, as well as their family and caregiver.
Investigating use of focused ultrasound to treat major depression
Sunnybrook researchers are investigating exciting new techniques to harness the power of ultrasound waves to treat depression.
Residential treatment program offers hope for OCD patients
Sunnybrook's residential treatment program for severe OCD is the first program of its kind in Canada.