Watch a talk by Dr. Lance Hawley, a Sunnybrook psychologist.
Mental health
This section of our Your Health Matters website features timely tips & information from mental health experts at Sunnybrook.
Find more mental health resources on our Department of Psychiatry’s patient and family education website.
Don’t believe everything you think
“For some of our most important beliefs we have no evidence at all, except that people we love and trust hold these beliefs. Considering how little...
10 ways to manage September stress
For many people, September marks a return to either school or work, and exceedingly hectic schedules.
Dementia & paranoia: My mom thinks I steal from her, what do I do?
Remember that delusions are part of the illness. Don't take the accusations personally or blame yourself for this behaviour.
What makes us focused, motivated and purposeful? Our biology.
Sense of purpose isn't an abstract concept — it's a biological function entirely dependent on the physical brain.
Don’t obsess over categorizing mental disorders: a psychiatrist’s perspective
When it comes to mental disorders, it's not a black or white question of "do you have a disorder or do you not?"
What to do on a grief-filled day
Feelings of sadness and grief can resurface years after a loved one's death.
Is my mother safe in a nursing home?
With the recent news about an ex-nurse admitting to killing eight seniors in long-term care facilities, are nursing homes safe places?
Loss of interest, motivation and emotion: Apathy in dementia
Question: My husband with Alzheimer’s Disease sits in a chair all day and stares out the window. Is he depressed? Answer: Possibly, but more likely...
Marianna shares her story to raise awareness about postpartum depression
"I wanted to give hope to women who are suffering now and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel."