Blood vessels at the back of the eye may help explain the link between bipolar disorder and a heightened and earlier risk of heart disease.
Mental health
This section of our Your Health Matters website features timely tips & information from mental health experts at Sunnybrook.
Find more mental health resources on our Department of Psychiatry’s patient and family education website.
The phenomenon of post-traumatic growth
Nazreth Libab shares her story of psychological recovery after a life-threatening experience
Access to OCD treatment is limited. And that’s a problem.
There’s a serious gap in the health-care system when it comes to treating patients with obsessive compulsive and related disorders. And limited...
Tube feeding and end-stage dementia
Question: Can people with dementia forget how to eat? Answer: In the final stages of dementia, usually around the time when patients are no longer...
Mental health literacy can help us prevent and combat mental disorders
Mental health literacy can help reduce stigma, and potentially save lives. What you should know about caring for your mental health.
How to care for yourself while caring for someone else
Self-care is any activity that helps maintain your physical, emotional and mental health.
Youth: here’s how to find mental health help in Toronto
Five basic tips to help youth and their families find mental health help in Toronto.
How depression can lead to heart disease
QUESTION: A close friend has been troubled by manic depression for many years. She’s now in her 40s and recently found out that she already has...
The positive aspects of caregiving for dementia
Question: Is “Caregiver Joy” an Oxymoron? Answer: I must admit that if you’ve been reading my blog on a regular basis, the good news is few and far...
A drink to brain health? Don’t make mine a double!
Question: Does alcohol consumption prevent Alzheimer’s disease? Answer: The studies on the effect of alcohol consumption and the risk of dementia are...