Where do you start? What resources are available? And how can you be sure you are getting the care you need for yourself or a loved one?
Mental health
This section of our Your Health Matters website features timely tips & information from mental health experts at Sunnybrook.
Find more mental health resources on our Department of Psychiatry’s patient and family education website.
Will I get Alzheimer’s if a parent has the disease?
How genetics plays into your risk of Alzheimer's disease
Patient volunteers help improve health care at Sunnybrook
Former patients play a crucial role at Sunnybrook by returning to the campus to help foster a constant climate of improvement.
This could be the next frontier in mental health treatment
By targeting the circuitry in the brain, Sunnybrook doctors hope to pioneer a new approach to mental health treatment.
Everything you need to know about dementia & legal issues
Learn more about powers of attorney, advanced directives and wills
Alzheimer’s disease and clinical trials
Learn more about what Alzheimer's clinical trials can offer patients.
How effective are Alzheimer’s drugs?
Dr. Nathan Herrmann discusses the efficacy & side-effects associated with currently available Alzheimer's drugs.
When should I consider a nursing home for my husband with Alzheimer’s disease?
Question: Is this the right time to think about a nursing home for my husband with Alzheimer’s disease? Answer: Placement in long-term care is one of...
If it isn’t Alzheimer’s, what’s causing my memory problems?
Even though Alzheimer’s is the cause of significant memory problems in over two-thirds of people 65 or older, there are dozens of other specific...
Dementia and driving: When it’s time to hang up the keys
I’ve driven safely for 60 years! Why do I have to quit driving just because I have memory problems?