An overview of two major categories of therapy commonly used for depression or bipolar disorder.
Mental health
This section of our Your Health Matters website features timely tips & information from mental health experts at Sunnybrook.
Find more mental health resources on our Department of Psychiatry’s patient and family education website.
Supporting your child at university/college
The most important thing parents can do to support their child at university/college: keep open lines of communication and a non-judgmental stance.
Mental health and NICU parents
This blog post was written by Drs S. Grigoriadis, C. Brown, and B. Rosen. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information on our blog...
Mental illness: recognize the symptoms
The recent, tragic death of Robin Williams has brought attention to issues of mental health and suicide. Recognize the symptoms of mental illness.
When is the right time to talk to your child about mental health?
It's estimated 2 million Canadian youth are impacted by mental health and addictions, yet only 1 in 5 receive specialized treatment.
Depression: get the help that you need
If you or someone you care about is suffering from depression in silence, reach out and get help.
Using mobile devices to track mood
A new study has patients filling out electronic mood journals on their handheld devices.
Postpartum anxiety: reducing the stigma
Along with women suffering from depression during the postpartum period, many women also suffer in silence from postpartum anxiety disorders.
Coping with a cancer diagnosis
A clinical psychologist offers strategies for managing anxiety during the cancer journey.
New service helps struggling youth get the help they need
The Family Navigation Project offers the expertise of navigators that personally guide families to the mental-health help and resources they need.