A common question at the doctor’s office is, "How have you been feeling?" Answering this is more complicated than it may seem.
Mental health
This section of our Your Health Matters website features timely tips & information from mental health experts at Sunnybrook.
Find more mental health resources on our Department of Psychiatry’s patient and family education website.
Tips to be happier
If you feel like you're constantly getting up on the wrong side of the bed, try these simple techniques to add a little joy to your day.
Preventing & managing the “winter blues”
About 50% of the population report changes in their mood and energy during winter months. Recurrent annual depression is called Seasonal Affective...
How psychotherapy can help combat mental illness
Psychotherapy (also known as talk therapy) can be an important part of treatment for anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder (manic depression).
Postpartum depression, treatment & the need to reduce stigma
There are many treatment options available for postpartum depression, with positive outcomes for women who are able to, and do, seek help.
Neurochemical imbalance and mental illness
In treating mental illness, for some people, medication is the right way to go, for others, psychotherapy, and for some, both.
Mental illness: You are not alone
We need to be honest with each other, so that we can recognize mental illness when it happens and seek help, rather than suffering in silence.
Medication & weight management for people with bipolar disorder
Strategies for people living with bipolar disorder to minimize weight gain or lose weight.
Bipolar disorder and treatment options
Dr. Ben Goldstein, Director of Sunnybrook's Centre for Youth Bipolar Disorder, explains bipolar disorder and treatment options
Minding your teen’s mind
Depression is serious mental health problem affecting up to 10% of teens.