My father has dementia and we have been looking after him at home. But he is a challenge and is agitated at times. I’ve read that cannabis has a...
Personal Health Navigator
Paul Taylor retired from his role as Sunnybrook’s Patient Navigation Advisor in 2020. From 2013 to 2020, he wrote a regular column in which he provided advice and answered questions from patients and their families. Follow Paul on Twitter @epaultaylor
Why you shouldn’t fuss about weight gain during the COVID-19 pandemic
“We need kindness and compassionate messages right now. No one needs another stressor put on their plate.”
How contact tracing can help slow the spread of the coronavirus
Public health officials are looking for ways to ramp up contact tracing which is considered a critical tool for curbing the transmission of the novel...
Could electrical brain stimulation replace medications for depressed pregnant women?
My daughter suffers from depression and has regularly relied on antidepressant medications to keep on an even keel. She recently got married and...
Am I at risk of catching COVID-19 in an ER?
I was out walking my dog when I tripped and fell on the sidewalk. I really hurt my hand. However, I’m terrified of going to a hospital emergency room...
The pandemic has lead to a pause in elective surgeries. When will they be resumed?
My father’s hip replacement surgery was postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. He’s in a lot of pain. When can he expect to have his operation?
Why are men more likely than women to die from COVID-19?
I’ve heard that men are more likely than women to die from COVID-19. Is this true and what accounts for the difference?
COVID-19 is making virtual health care the new normal
I did a an online video chat with my family doctor last week, and it was very convenient. Will I be able to keep seeing my doctor this way after the...
Some hospitals planning to sterilize and reuse N95 masks to stretch out supplies during COVID-19 pandemic
Faced with a surge in COVID-19 cases, some Canadian hospitals are considering plans to sterilize and reuse N95 masks to help stretch out limited...
Many cancer surgeries have been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. What will this mean for patients?
My wife’s cancer surgery has been postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re worried that the cancer could spread in the meantime. Could the...