Inside the NICU

Updates from Sunnybrook’s NICU families and staff.

More words from winners!

We have presented the winning ways of our Kangaroo Challenge Champions earlier this week, but it is also absolutely true that everyone involved in...

Words from a winner (part 2)

Now that we’ve heard from our Level 2 winners at North York, it’s time to find out what wisdom the amazing team at Alberta...

Words from a winner (part 1)

One of the greatest parts of the Kangaroo Challenge is how much we can learn from the participating units (as you can see from this post from one of...

We have a winner! (Two, actually)

May we have your attention please? You have been so patient as we’ve tallied up all the numbers you’ve sent in, and now it’s time...

Let the (Kangaroo) games begin!

And we’re OFF! Our Sunnybrook Kangaroo-a-thon launched today with a big party and a whole lot of cuddling.  A dedicated volunteer crocheter...

Oh, what a day that was!

Now that we are looking at the other side of World Prematurity Day 2015, we are feeling overwhelmed by how our NICU community came together …...