Inside the NICU

Updates from Sunnybrook’s NICU families and staff.

Preemie Picnic: June 22!

What’s that I hear? Something about the Preemie Picnic? That’s right! We’re gearing up once more for one of our favourite events of...

Help for those who want to help you

A new mom asked a really good question on our Facebook parent group about how to engage family and friends who want to be supportive but who may not...

Our hearts are REALLY full

(Before I get into the main story of this post, I have to say thank you to all of you who have emailed, tweeted or called to show your concern or...

Our hearts are full (part one)

One of the many benefits of working in the NICU at Sunnybrook is that every day you see proof of how kind people can be. This is true throughout the...

When thank you isn’t enough …

Thank you so much to graduate mom Christine for allowing us to repost her amazing piece from her blog. It seems like the perfect way to mark World...