Infographics Pregnancy Women's health

Pregnant and have type 1 diabetes?

Pregnancy & Type 1 Diabetes Infographic: read the text version below

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A new study has found 24-hour glucose monitoring during pregnancy improves birth outcomes for women with type 1 diabetes and their babies.

The study

Who: the study involved 214 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes, aged 18-40, who manage their condition with daily insulin therapy.

What: an implanted continuous glucose monitoring device that provided 288 glucose recordings per day.

How: half of the women received a continuous glucose monitoring device and half used a traditional monitoring method.

Where: the study took place in 31 hospitals in Canada, England, Scotland, Spain, Ireland, Italy and the United States.

The results

(when compared with traditional monitoring)


  • Women using continuous glucose monitoring  spent more time in normal range for blood sugar levels (68% vs 61% – equivalent to 100 minutes more a day)
  • Women using continuous glucose monitoring spent less time with high blood sugar levels (27% vs 32% – equivalent to one hour less per day).


  • In moms using continuous glucose monitoring, the number of babies born larger than average was reduced (53% vs 69%)
  • Fewer babies were admitted to intensive care for more than 24 hours (27% vs 43%)
  • Lower number of babies were born with low blood sugar levels (15% vs 28%)

The Clinical Trial Services/Centre for Mother, Infant, and Child Research at Sunnybrook Research Institute coordinated this study*.

*The study is also referred to as CONCEPTT

What it means for you

  • Talk to you doctor: Ask your doctor about the best glucose monitoring option for you.
  • Reduce risk: It is crucial to keep blood sugar levels within the normal range.
  • Plan ahead: If you’re thinking of becoming pregnant, speak to your health care team about managing blood glucose levels.


About the author

Marie Sanderson

Marie Sanderson is a Senior Communications Advisor at Sunnybrook.

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