Inside the NICU

Sadie’s story

In honour of our kangaroo-a-thon, we’ve asked graduate parents to share stories with us. These lovely words were written by a graduate NICU mom  to support and inspire other families. 
January 25, 2011 our little angel was born at 26 weeks + 1 day gestation. There was no stopping Sadie.
February 2, 2011, on her 9th day of life, I got to hold my daughter for the first time. There was no stopping Mommy.
As time went on, and Sadie came off of the ventilator on to CPAP, my husband and I would each hold our baby for two hours each, four hours every day. It was an absolute miracle to be able to see this little being grow and develop before our very eyes. Sadie would be pulled off of my husband with little tufts of chest hair in her grasp, a hot and sweaty mess.
Sadie enjoying kangaroo cuddles along with her lunch
After months in the hospital, finally it was time to go home. That was the first time we got to see her in daylight…the light at the end of what seemed to be an endless tunnel at times.
Find your light every day, and enjoy the moments you can. Positivity is a kangaroo-a-thon away.

About the author

Kate Robson