Acne can be very frustrating. And while this pesky, yet common skin condition largely impacts adolescents, many people, especially women, are still...
Skin care
Tips and information from Sunnybrook’s dermatology experts.
Dealing with adolescent acne: A Sunnybrook dermatologist shares insight and advice
Puberty isn’t a fun experience, but maybe one of the least enjoyable aspects of this life stage is acne. According to Dermatology Canada, 9 in 10...
How to live like the experts: Taking care of your skin with Dr. Jennifer Tran
Ever wonder if your doctor or specialist follows their own advice? Sunnybrook experts get candid with the approaches they take in their personal...
Tips for protecting your skin from the sun this summer
With June comes the promise of summer: longer days, warmer temperatures, vacations. Spending time outdoors is also the safest choice during COVID-19...
How to practice sun safety and protect your skin
Here in Toronto we have gone from nasty grey days to glorious heat and sunshine in just a few weeks. And it feels amazing. Our long winter means I...
Moisturizing your skin: Dermatologists share their tips and secrets
Sunnybrook dermatologists weigh in on some of the most frequently asked questions about moisturizing your skin.
Getting to the bottom of skin problems
The skin is our largest organ, covering on average two square meters. It’s also the most common target organ of adverse drug reactions.
Uncovering skin allergies with patch testing
Doctors at Sunnybrook are helping patients solve the mysteries of their skin allergies by using patch testing.
Patio season is here- 5 tips for enjoying it safely
Before you spend a few hours out on a patio to watch your favourite sports team’s playoff game (go Raptors!), read our five tips and enjoy the patio...
Doctor’s tips: Melanoma prevention and screening
What can you do to prevent melanoma and spot it early?