A few weeks ago, I found myself in the operating room witnessing the first two patients at Sunnybrook (and the second and third in North America) receive a new type of hearing implant for single-sided deafness. One patient had had perfect hearing for half her life until contracting a viral infection that caused hearing loss. The other patient had never heard out of her right ear because of a congenital defect. While their histories were very different, their hopes for the future were exactly the same: to fill in the silent side of their lives.

The Bonebridge is surgically implanted under the skin.
This new implant is exciting in many ways. Not only does it work differently from other hearing implants, but it’s also more cosmetically appealing. Have a look at my video to see all the details, and how both patients are now doing more than one month after surgery.
It’s always incredible for me to witness new medical procedures and how they impact lives. For anyone who has not given a second thought to healthy hearing, this is a story that gives pause for thought. And for those living with hearing loss, it will hopefully give you some tools for action. Talk to your family doctor and ask what is possible for you. Believe me, there are some amazing options out there.
where else in U.S.A. this procedure is perfomed?