Let’s do a little quiz.
When it gets cold outside do you:
A: head inside to hibernate
B: stay outside to soak up the season
C: dabble in a bit of both
In the colder months, do you:
A: reach for comfort foods
B: make an extra effort to eat well because it’s cold and flu season
C: stick to your normal diet
Does the weather:
A: Ever prevent you from running important errands
B: Inspire you to enjoy the elements
C: Not affect you one way or the other
How often do you see your doctor for routine care?
A: As seldom as possible
B: As recommended by my physician
C: Sometimes, but not regularly
If you answered mostly A’s, you may be giving your heart an F. There is evidence that blood pressure rises during the cold winter months, but Mother Nature isn’t really the one behind the problem. Turns out, our Canadian climate is no match for the damage we often inflict on ourselves. Watch the video to learn more!