Germs are everywhere, and while not all are harmful, some can certainly make us sick. Dr. Andrew Simor, Chief of the Department of Microbiology, separates the facts from the fiction.
Toilet seats are cleaner than keyboards and touchscreen devices.
True: Studies have found that toilet seats are actually one of the cleanest surfaces in the bathroom. Considering your hands are in contact with your keyboard or touchscreen all day long, make sure to clean it often, and always wash your hands before touching your face or eating anything.
If you drop food on the floor, it’s safe to eat it within 5 seconds.
False: The transfer of germs from surfaces to food happens right away, meaning the 5-second rule is nothing but a myth.
Your best defense against germs is taking a daily vitamin supplement to boost your immunity.
False: Without a doubt, your best protection against germs and illness is hand washing. Make sure to scrub hands well with soap for at least 20 seconds before rinsing them well with warm water. You can help keep you immune system strong by eating a well-balanced diet, staying physically active and ensuring your vaccinations are up to date.
The bathroom is the dirtiest room in the house.
False: The kitchen is usually the place where the most germs are found, especially around the sink and cleaning sponges. Make sure to properly clean or replace your sponge often, as it can come into contact with countertops, dishes and utensils. Some experts also recommend having a separate sponge for dishes and countertops.
Regular soap is just as good as using antibacterial soap.
True: If you wash your hands thoroughly and properly, you should be removing all the potentially harmful bacteria from your hands, regardless of the soap variety you choose. Remember that when soap and water are unavailable, hand sanitizers are a great option.
You shouldn’t keep your toothbrush right next to the toilet.
True: When you flush the toilet, germs can spray into the air for some distance. It’s a good idea to keep personal items like toothbrushes out of the line of fire. To be safe, close the lid before you flush.
Towels are a breeding ground for bacteria.
True: The mixture of moisture and dead skin cells can make towels a dirty item in your home. Make sure to launder them at high heat 1-2 times per week.