The Question: I am pregnant and my expected due date is in June. I currently live outside Canada, and would want to go back to Toronto for delivery. I am a cash patient as my current health insurance is from outside of Canada. I tried to book an appointment with one of the OBGYN docs for April (when I’m expected to go back), but I was asked for a referral from a family doctor. As I reside and work outside of Canada, I’m not sure how to provide the same. Would a referral from an international doctor suffice? If not, what are my alternatives to get a successful booking at the hospital with an OBGYN? I do have a couple of preferences for doctors at Sunnybrook. Looking forward for your response and advice.
The Answer: This type of question – a pregnant woman living out of country – wondering if she can give birth in Canada is one we receive a few times a year. Without meeting specific criteria, it is unlikely Sunnybrook could accommodate you.
Generally speaking, obstetricians are not supposed to accept patients from out of country unless they are Canadian citizens living abroad, who wish to come home to have their baby delivered. Women who are non-citizens, are fully insured, who may be residing in Canada for their work and have family in this country are also accepted by obstetricians to give birth here, according to Arthur Zaltz, Chief, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
According to Sally Bean, ethicist and policy advisor at Sunnybrook, an “out of country obstetrical patient who is not physically present in Canada poses numerous liability and insurance coverage issues.”
As a result, it is difficult for physicians to accept them as patients.
Doctors who agree to accept out-of-country patients would be viewed as having directly or indirectly solicited the patient and may not necessarily be provided coverage if they were sued outside of Canada, she said.
The federal government has been watching this issue closely and is considering changes to citizenship rules in a bid to stamp out so-called birth tourism – cases where a foreign national comes to Canada to deliver their baby, knowing the child will get full citizenship.
Currently, under the Citizenship Act, children born in Canada to parents who are temporarily in the country – visitors, students, temporary workers, asylum claimants – are automatically conferred citizenship, allowing them to access the range of taxpayer-funded benefits that come with it.
Canada and the United States are among the few countries worldwide that confer automatic citizenship by birth on soil; most other countries limit citizenship to those with a parent with permanent status, according to Remi Lariviere, spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
“We have been considering bringing forward comprehensive amendments to the Citizenship Act,” Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, said in a CBC television interview in 2012. “…We don’t have a precise timeline. But we are looking at modernizing the Citizenship Act and this might be considered as one of those amendments.”
The questioner mentions “[going] back to Toronto for for delivery,” which makes it sounds like she’s a Canadian who is living abroad, rather than someone with no ties to Canada. Are you sure your advice is accurate in this case?
Canadian Gov. is extremely generous and compassionate when it comes to immigration and related refuge acts. Lots of cunning people take advantage of Canadian Immigration System. I am not trying to be racial, but as a fact I know people from highly corrupted countries in Asia play smart games with Canadian Immigration without getting caught because in their countries they can alter even names, birth certificates, living facts just by giving money or by knowing someone in a high rank of local political or law enforcement line… So, no one goes to their countries and dig their records to find the true facts…(I know people coming through point system don’t go through such cheap work but have to be careful with bogus political issue cases, international disaster cases and other refugee cases)…
Canada needs to take proper and strict actions on Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Acts…. I pray that the Gov will look into this national matter…