
Cancer, Meet Anthrax

Sure, we know that it can make us suspicious of packages in the mail, but most of us know little more about anthrax. What else is there to know?  It’s bad for us and that’s pretty much it…or is it? What if we could take advantage of this deadly molecule?  Scientists have been figuring out how to do just that.
To recruit this toxin to our side, researchers had to understand how it works – size up to the enemy, so to speak. Afterwards, scientists realized that we could recruit it to help in our fight against cancer. Imagine how much better it would be to have this potentially lethal compound on our side.
Traditionally, anthrax is harmful because it doesn’t care if it’s killing our healthy cells vs. cancerous ones. Researchers have changed this by essentially giving anthrax a “mug shot” of cancer cells. These altered anthrax molecules are now on our side. Their new mission is to hunt down and destroy cancer cells. Work still needs to be done in this area to make sure that the anthrax will really leave healthy cells alone, but how weird would it be if future generations associated the word “anthrax” with better health?

About the author

Melissa Carmen Cheung, PhD

Passionate about sharing science with the public in a fun and accessible way, Melissa is a Medical Communications professional who earned her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Toronto. Though her research focused on the design of novel cancer therapeutics, Melissa is intrigued by all facets of science. Her goal in life is to captivate people with the same excitement she feels for science.

1 Comment

  • 炭疽杆菌用来抗癌

    Translated by carolynmou

    一提到炭疽二字,我们只会联想到恐吓邮件,因为大多数人并不了解炭疽杆菌。它对我们有害,这就足够了,还需要进一步了解么 ?如果利用这种致命的小分子物质,为我所用,情况就大不同。现在,科学家们已经研究清楚并能做到这一点。

    为了化敌为友,研究者们需要了解炭疽杆菌是如何起作用的 — — 也就是评估敌人。不久,科学家们发现,炭疽杆菌可以用来对抗癌症。想象一下,这种致命性很强的细菌能够帮助我们,感觉还是不错的。

